Another great day for Qubiotech. Once again, we managed through a new round of funding to attract the confidence of those who believe in a project like ours, to improve the daily lives of patients and doctors, bringing to reality the latest advances in medical image analysis.✨Otro gran día para Qubiotech. Una vez más, logramos a través de una nueva ronda de financiación atraer la confianza de quien cree en un proyecto como el nuestro, de mejora del día a día de pacientes y médicos, llevando a la realidad los últimos avances en análisis de imagen médica.
🧠 Thousands of patients with neurodegenerative diseases benefit every year from our solutions, such as Neurocloud, and supports like these will enable tens of thousands to benefit from these and future applications in more and more centers.
💰 To all of you who make it possible, thank you thank you thank you and thank you thank you⚕️ To all who will come, welcome to the present and future of medical imaging, welcome to the #NeuroimagingAugmented.